Thursday, March 02, 2006

Video Be Damned, We've Got Our Own Spin

Even if you haven't seen the video clip of the Prez saying he's got the Katrina thing under control, you have got to assume that Rove is in overtime trying to spin his way out of this one. Burried in the morass of politics as usual spouting from India today, you find the W, Rove and Co tries to "set the record straight" on the video. Do you buy it?
"The President's participation in the August 28 videoconference was open to the press, and the full transcript of this videoconference was released to Congress and the public in the fall of 2005. President Bush participated in briefings, phone calls and conversations throughout this process, and his Administration was focused on making sure that the Federal assets were in place to help the people of New Orleans. The President has made clear - as recently as this Tuesday - that he was not satisfied with the Federal response. That is why he ordered a comprehensive 'lessons learned' report and plans to work aggressively to implement improvements to our disaster response plans by the start of hurricane season."

--Trent Duffy, White House Deputy Press Secretary, 3/2/06
So, is not being satisfied with the federal response the same thing as saying before hand that you were prepared? Sort of misses the point of the release of the video, no? Are you satisfied with Trent's politically aimed rejoinder?


pissed off patricia said...


There is still a disaster on the Gulf Coast and it still hasn't been helped. If they are so damned concerned about what happened down there get our Nat'l gruard back over here so they can help get that place cleaned up. Those people need homes, and places to work. None of that can begin until the clean-up is done. They can't do it alone.

Anonymous said...

Only true believers are with Bush on NOLA response

Googling for the White House article returned one link to it.

Here it is, At comment #46.

Apparently google hasn't spidered educationalwhisper since you posted.