Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Too Bad The "People's House" Doesn't Come With A Cheif Executive Fallout Clean Up Crew

Again, we see that the Shrub is want to bend policy and laws toward his own will rather than the will of the people. It is too bad the "people's house" doesn't come with its own Chief Executive fallout clean up crew that works to rectify all the damage done by the Chief as he goes. Who knows know how much work it is going to take to clean up the mess the W, Rove and Co has created for us? Just in terms of national debt alone, it may take generations to rectify.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Thank you, Laura. Welcome to the White House. We like to call this the people's house. I want to remind people from around the world that we're only temporary occupants here -- but we're trying to make the most of our time here.

I want to welcome you all as we celebrate Women's History Month and International Women's Day. Thanks for coming. We recognize the many contributions women have made to our country. We also honor those who have helped bring equality and freedom to women around the world.

A lot of strong women have influenced my life. (Laughter.) Beginning with my mother. (Laughter.) She told me to say that, by the way. (Laughter and applause.) I am blessed to have a strong wife. (Applause.) And we are raising two young women to become independent, capable risk-takers -- (laughter) -- so that they can realize their dreams.

I have been blessed to have strong women in my government. My administration is better off to have really capable women who feel comfortable marching in the Oval Office and giving the President their frank advice. (Laughter and applause.)
Notice, the Twins dream does not include serving in their daddy's illegitimate war.
I want to thank Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, who is with us; Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings -- she's been giving me frank advice ever since I was the governor of Texas. (Laughter.) I want to thank Karen Hughes -- Ambassador Karen Hughes, the Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs. She's been really giving me a lot of advice. (Laughter.) Paula Dobriansky, the Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs; Harriet Miers, my attorney. By the way, for those of you who aren't familiar with America, it's always good to have a good attorney. (Laughter.) Harriet Miers is my attorney. She gives me legal advice...

...I appreciate the members of the Diplomatic Corps who have joined us. Thank you all for coming. It's good to see so many ambassadors and ambassadresses here today. (Laughter.)
Why all the laughter? Is the joke and yoke on W or on us, the American people?

Ah, here, just about half way down through the speechifying we get to the point of National Women's History Month and International Women's day.
The struggle for women's right is a story of strong women willing to take the lead. That's particularly true in the United States of America, where women like Susan B. Anthony and Alice Stone Blackwell and Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Rosa Parks changed the course of our nation's history. Our history was altered because strong women stood up and led. These women broke down barriers to equality. We weren't always an equal society in America, and it required strong leadership to help make America a more equal place. And we're a better place because of the leadership of women throughout our history.
Now I get it. It's all about lifting oneself up on the backs of others (which, incidentally is a very political move). Here, we see that W is not above using women who have long since given their lives to fighting for the very freedoms the W, Rove and Co are working desperately to retract.

No doubt, some of the women mentioned in this paragraph are spinning in their graves at the notion that W is using them for political gain. Much like dead soldiers make good political pawns for the W, so too, we see he is not above using dead women for that same end.

And to do on just one day before we celebrate women everywhere, with all the glee of a giddy school boy slinging jokes at some one else’s expense, I say: For Shame Mr. Bush. For Shame. What are you going to do to celebrate women on 8 March 2006?


enigma4ever said...

Thanks for posting on this....and it does matter...
Even if our disgusting leader has forgotten women and their role in our Country...(other than to give him sorryassignored advice....urgh)...

I am posting on Rachel Carson tonight and Judi Barri..
two activists that still inspire me...

isabelita said...

The "strong women" with whom W. surrounds himself are genderless nannies. Ugly, sexless creatures, inside and out. His mother is an evil power-hungry crone, like an elderly Lady MacBeth with a bolster of a bosom full of venom.
His daughters - say, I wonder if he'd procure them abortions if they were raped?
If these people wre decent and not greedy corporatocrats, I would ahve sympathy for their hideousness. But they aren't, so I don't. They should all wear burkhas.