Found this collage over at Neil Shakespeare's location. It's all his work - original blog as art. This one about sums it up for me. Here's a slice to tease you over to his location and comment there, or here if you like:
"Hi, I'm Jessica Simpson and I'd like to say a great big 'Happy 3rd Birthday' to the Iraq War! And a hearty 'Thank You' to the 2,322 U.S. soldiers killed...well, they probably can't hear me but thank you anyway for the opportunity you have given me to shake my tits and ass in movies and in television commercials! And a specially big thank you to the 17,400 wounded, as they have provided many opportunities for doctors to practice their plastic surgery!Hey Mr. President. Can we get a do over in Iraq; as in turn the clock back 1095 days or so and not bother? But really, Mr. President, how do we put out your Iraqi Conflagration?
"And I would like to thank President Bush for the opportunity he gave these young men and women to die so I can use this American Flag as a strap-on. These colors don't run! But they sure squirt and dribble!
So, basically, what you are saying is to vote for Jessica Simpson for president? What party is she running under?
Thanks for the link, dude. Yeah, heck, why don't they just run Jessica for president? I know she has the reputation as the dumbest blonde on the planet, but she can't be any dumber than the guy we got now.
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