Thursday, March 02, 2006

Gays Married End Up Dead Just Like You

I have yet to find an argument that justifies banning gay marriage or explains what it is about heterosexual marriage needs protection that doesn't quote some obscure segment of some religious text. Spare us the same liturgy as if you really wanted to follow all parts of the bible or some other text, just what century would we be living in?

Anyway, I found this memorial and snapped a picture on my cell phone with this question in mind: Given that all folks die, eventually, what exactly is it about gay marriage that scares or threatens you?


Yukkione said...

Nicely put. What can be said of those that hate for God? One can't hope to change a mind like that. Their problem is that we fight them for minds not made up yet.

Neil Shakespeare said...

That's a good question except that I think those kind of folks think it's "against God's law". Maybe they figure God won't let them into heaven if they let gay folks marry. And well, first off, there are no gay folks, OK? They're just people in the grip of Satan!

pissed off patricia said...

This is just a whiff of thought from somewhere in the far reaches of my mind. I think people are against gay marriage because they think to allow gay people to marry would be an acknowledgment that gay people actually are gay and there’s not a damned thing anyone could do to change that. They want to focus on gays as if it’s a chosen condition or something. I guess they feel that gay people are sinning and if they were allowed to marry the public would be endorsing sin.
Who the hell knows why they think the way they do?

Anonymous said...

Watching the marriages in Babylon by the Bay two years ago was perhaps the most commentment affirming events I've ever had the privilege of witnessing.

How anybody could be threatened by it, I cannot understand. Love and commitment are hard enough to find in this world without our finding reasons to prevent people coming together. Fortunately, given the opinions of the generation that follows mine and Gen Y, this won't be an issue in 25 years.

enigma4ever said...

good post...and good thoughts...about an issue that needs resolution...when the FAB FIVE show( Queer Eye) did a whole bunch of weddings and engagements- I just thought it was cruel to any gay folks watching- like rubbing a salt lick in the makes so sense to me...Boy George said it best years ago in an interview with Barbara Walters...."Any Good Love is Good Love"...we all deserve Love...ALL...( and the funny thing is that I have been to more gay marriages than Hetero marriages in the past 15 years....lasting marriages...)...the stone is sweet...( I thought I was the only one that takes photos at cemetaries...)