Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Cut & Run

When the Shrubmiester spends untold numbers of tax dollars to deliver a message to our troops in Afghanistan, he exposes himself yet again:
Our other message was, is that the United States doesn't cut and run. (Applause.)
But we do cut, don't we?

Just a quick question for those "Culture of Lifer" types out there: If part of the culture of life is to repect human life and, well, support all life giving opportunities as opposed to life taking, whats the difference between sending troops into harms way for an illegetimate war on Iraq knowing some will for sure return in unphotographed flag drapped boxes and an abortion?


Neil Shakespeare said...

We don't run. We hide behind our own incompetence.

pissed off patricia said...

Well see, once the human has been born their life is fair game. The culture of life only counts if the fetus is about to be aborted. In other words, it's all bullshit.

Respect is something we tossed out a long time ago because you know it just wasn't working as well as you might think. It so got in the way. Now we have become arrogant bullies of the world. Ummm, that's not working out all that well either, is it?