Tuesday, June 07, 2005

More on Mary Jane

I suppose we are to take comfort in the democratic process, but if I were experiencing chronic pain, I am not so sure I would be willing to wait for the wheels to turn in my favor.


Monday's Supreme Court ruling against medical marijuana was widely expected, but that doesn't make it defensible from a legal or moral perspective.

Writing for the 6-3 majority in Gonzales vs. Raich, the 85-year-old liberal Justice John Paul Stevens solemnly counseled patients suffering chronic pain to turn to "the democratic process" for comfort. "The voices of voters," he mused, may "one day be heard in the halls of Congress" on behalf of legalizing medical marijuana.

I can see it now, the Feds will be marching a whole parade of sick and disabled individuals down the perp walk to get pics in the news about how we are winning the war on drugs by prosecuting people using marijuana to ease their aching bodies and relieve the symptoms of some nasty illnesss:

If this editorial board were Congress, we would enact a law allowing marijuana to be used for legitimate medical purposes, such as alleviating intense pain for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. In fact, we strongly urge Congress to pass such a law, now that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that "compassionate-use" laws in California and other states are invalid under the "commerce clause" of the Constitution.

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