Sunday, November 13, 2005

Let's See: What's Good About The W, Rove and Co? - Sub Title: The Sunday Blogger Challenge

They are in the midst of fixing Medicare? Nope:
"I have a Ph.D., and it's too complicated to suit me."WILLIAM Q. BEARD, 74, of Wichita, Kan., on Medicare's new prescription drug plan...

...The drug benefit, estimated to cost $724 billion over 10 years, is the biggest expansion of Medicare since its creation in 1965 and is often described as Mr. Bush's biggest achievement in domestic policy.
I haven't read the text of the new plan, but it sounds to me like another way to abscond with a person's social security benefit:
The new prescription drug coverage will benefit people on Medicare in three important ways. First, it will help all seniors and Americans with disabilities pay for prescription drugs, no matter how they pay for their medicine now. Seniors who have no drug coverage and have average prescription drug costs will see savings of at least 50 percent. And seniors who have the highest drug costs will receive special help. Starting in January, once a senior has spent $3,600 in a year, Medicare will cover 95 percent of all prescription costs.
This got me to thinking. Is there really anything put into motion by the W, Rove and Co clan that is any good? I couldn't think of any so I thought I would post a challenge - call it Windspike's Sunday Blogger Challenge: Can anyone come up with something good wholly sponsored, planned, or implemented by the W, Rove and Co? If so, what is it and explain why it is good. This is, of course, based on your opinion.


isabelita said...

Good for whom? They've achieved plenty of stuff good for themselves and with a few crumbs for their minions.
Oh, I know that's not what you meant. You meant Good, as in not destructive of the environment,public education, healthcare,a vast array of social services, small businesses, the US's international relations, life for the Iraqi populace, world population control via family planning...
Hmmm....nope nope nope, can't think of a SINGLE thing.

enigma4ever said...

okay- Windspike- it is an amazing challenge..and I have boggled my brain and come up with nothing...absolutely nothing...

SheaNC said...

I'm glad you came up with this challenge, because I am anxious to read folks' offerings. I'll steer some over from my blog, also, because I, too, have asked myself: since most presidents do at least one or two good things in general, isn't there something Bush has done that is beneficial?

First, I googled "bush achievements". His Record of Achievements from the whitehouse website is abysmal. This story, on the other hand, spells it out a whole lot better (it's a little dated, only at the 1000-soldiers-dead point, but it is worth viewing).

While on the topic of "the uniter's" dubious achievements, Windspike, I'd like to know what educators think of the "no-child-left-behind" thing. Was it all just "speechifyin'" rhetoric?