You know, bombing clinics and shooting doctors looks a lot like terrorism to me. How about you? Well, in case you needed further verification that the W, Rove and Co (and Alito) are all about over turning Roe V. Wade, you need look no further than this telephone call. When you take a look at these words from the Shrub, his hypocrisy become plain for all to see - particularly, when we are still bombing the shit out of Iraq and killing civilians in Pakistan.
You believe, as I do, that every human life has value, that the strong have a duty to protect the weak...No doubt, the catalog of atrocities and human indignities perpetrated by this administration lay bare all that is wrong with what the president is saying here. But ho w is it that the American public is letting the wool down over their own eyes? Why are there some that are foolish enough to think that our liberties and rights are more expendable than our lives - as human life is transient, while the laws that built and govern our lands span the generations?
...We also must respect human life and dignity...
...By changing laws we can change our culture...
...we're working to persuade more of our fellow Americans of the rightness of our cause...
"presuading Americans for the rightness of our cause"
Anytime one has to resort to propaganda compaigns and torture, secret rendition flights, and illegal syping by multiple agencies including the Military, and illegal unjustifiable imprisonment of citizens and foriegners....this is Way Past Hubris ...we have ourselves a fullfedged Dictatorship....
But I think you've hit the nail on the head...
Humans are ephemeral (clinic workers), but a S.U.V. is forever. Therefore we should be going along just as we are tapping the phones, infultrating, and arresting eco-terrorists while so-called clinic terrorists get a buy.
It doesn't get any better than this
Bush's point-of-view in his own words.
Where's the MSM on this? The transcript should appear on the front page of every newspaper in the country.
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