Saturday, April 22, 2006

"Service in the Cause Of Freedom"

Is it me, or does any one else smell the stink of the sinking W, Rove and CO ship, spewing as much propaganda as possible and letting go of the rats as fast as they can get them to disembark? "Service in the cause of freedom" is starting to sound more and more like a euphemism for "service in the cause of the New American Empire," not the old honorable republic, for which the Constitution stands.
Americans are asking about our progress toward victory in the war on terror. I have confidence in the outcome of this struggle because I know the character of the people who wear our Nation's uniform. On Sunday, I will attend church and have lunch with Marine Corps and Navy personnel and their families at the Twentynine Palms base. I will tell them how honored I am to be their Commander in Chief and express the gratitude of all Americans for their service in the cause of freedom.

Since September the 11th, 2001, the men and women of our military have overthrown a cruel regime in Afghanistan, captured or killed many al Qaeda terrorists, liberated Iraq, and made America more secure from terrorist dangers. We're fighting the terrorists abroad so we do not have to face them here at home. By taking the fight to the terrorists and bringing liberty and hope to a troubled region, our courageous troops are making the world a safer place.
I sure wish that the W, Rove and Co. would stop spanking the Nine Eleven Monkey for political gain. How about you?


SheaNC said...

I guess they figure it still works for them, but I think it's wearing thin with the voters in a big way.

I've always felt they didn't have to worry because they would just rig the electronic vote again, but maybe I'm wrong. Their apparent desperation makes it look like I might be, and I hope I am!

Neil Shakespeare said...

That whole shit with Rove and the supposed 'shake-up' is all bullshit. Rove's still calling the shots. Nothing has changed but the titles. And once again they've got the press completely fooled.

Anonymous said...

Terror is a technique.

Bush: ''We're fighting the terrorists abroad so we do not have to face them here at home.

Terror is at home anywhere. Just as the drug 'war' can't be won abroad, neither can the terror 'war.' As well, Bush could declare war on IEDs, VBIDs, mortars, and bullets - with equal effectiveness.

Bush as 'President.' You've just been terrorized in virtual space and meat space.