Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Supporting the Troops

Every so often, another blogger hits it right on the barrel head. Knapster nails it today and the first comment is worthy of redistributing far and wide. I'm linking up and blog rolling him.

Here's a slice and the comment. Slice
So yes, I can -- and do -- "support the troops" while opposing both the war and the monster who has sacrificed nearly 2,000 of those troops to the neoconservative Moloch. I support the troops because I've been one of them, because I know the pickle they're in, and because I want to see them return home alive and safe, where they will hopefully be put back on the job they signed up to do.

In the spirit of such arguments, however, I do believe that it is time and past time to question the motives of those who support the war on Iraq, and their claims to "support the troops."

To support the war is to objectively align one's self with al Qaeda and Iran -- since the war has redounded to their benefit versus the benefit of the United States -- and to place one's self in opposition to the safety of America's troops and to their mission to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States. Those who support the war from outside military ranks are free to correct themselves at any time without fear of reprisal, and the failure of many to do so (many, not all -- a majority of Americans now realize that invading Iraq was a monumentally bad idea) cannot be made up for with a yellow magnetic "ribbon" on one's bumper or a box full of butterscotch candies and paperback books.
As a troop, I must say that I agree that we don't need to be in Iraq and our president is a liar and not worthy of my trust. That being said, shut the fuck up with the I support our troops shit. Not you in particular, but to the american people as a whole. What the hell does sticking a little magnet on your car do for me? Jack Shit. You just put another dollar in the pocket of the Chinese guy that owns the factory the made it. Support our troops. Send me a dollar so I can feed my kids.

1 comment:

SheaNC said...

Wow, it's good to know there are troops out there who feel that way!