Tuesday, August 09, 2005

More on Presidential Vacations

Now, we all know the little red button follows W in the "football" where ever he goes (hope I dind't scare you with that little reminder), even if he is on "vacation." But, the Martian Anthropologist has some good points as well as a link to a very interesting cartoon. Have a look or enjoy this slice:

Bush...escapes frequently to his 1,600-acre ranch. He is currently immersed in a five-week stay away from Washington, the longest presidential retreat in at least 36 years, according to The Washington Post.

A presidential spokesman said the time in Crawford is a time for Bush to ''shed his coat and tie and meet with folks in the heartland and hear what's on their minds."

This week, the president will meet with his economic advisers and foreign policy team, go to a fundraising lunch, and attend a Little League championship game. So far, Sheehan is not on his agenda. But he knows what is on her mind, and that is his excuse for declining to meet with her.

So it's okay for the President to "meet with folks in the heartland and hear what's on their minds" as long as they agree with him, apparently. But if you are the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq, he doesn't have the courage to hear what's on your mind.

A real leader doesn't dodge the tough questions. A real leader does not just meet with the "common people" that make him look good. A real leader would meet with Cindy Sheehan.

1 comment:

Martian Anthropologist said...

Thanks for the blogroll and the entry about my blog today. I'll blogroll you as well!