Friday, April 29, 2005

W speaks

The press office in the whitehouse must quiver with fear every time the President gets in front of a pack of reporters (whether they are stacked for or against him). I haven't had a whole lot of time to review the text of tonights speach/Q &A, but Zoiks...I am glad I am not on the clean up detail for this guy.

Example slice:

QUESTION: Do you think that's an inappropriate statement? And what I ask is...

BUSH: No, I just don't agree with it.

QUESTION: You don't agree with it?

BUSH: No. I think people oppose my nominees because of judicial philosophy.

QUESTION: Sir, I asked you about what you think of...

BUSH: No, I know what you asked me.

QUESTION: ... the way faith is being used in our political debates, not just in society generally.

BUSH: Well, I can only speak to myself. And I am mindful that people in political office should say to somebody, You're not equally American if you don't happen to agree with my view of religion.


Right about here, if you are anyone remotely close to needing to do clean up for the prez, you are shaking in your shoes - thank goodness he restates what he actually means and cleans up his own mess, but my goodness...


As I said, I think faith is a personal issue. And I take great strength from my faith. But I don't condemn somebody in the political process because they may not agree with me on religion.

The great thing about America is that you should be allowed to worship any way you want. And if you chose not to worship, you're equally as patriotic as somebody who does worship. And if you choose to worship, you're equally American if you're a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim.

And that's the wonderful thing about our country and that's the way it should be.

1 comment:

Sar said...

You know, I watched some recaps of his speech later on and I swear, someone was feeding him info (though I didn't notice the bulging box on his back this time). He'd speak, pause, interrupt himself to correct what he said, pause, speak, and on & on.

How on earth can anyone with one ounce of intelligence feel that this man is capable of providing the necessary proactive and thought-provoking leadership necessary to lead this country and represent is in world affairs?!

"The great thing about America is that you should be allowed to worship any way you want. And if you chose not to worship, you're equally as patriotic as somebody who does worship. And if you choose to worship, you're equally American if you're a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim."

If only he really understood and actually meant what he was saying. This would be a great stepping stone towards healing the division in this country. But that will never happen, because inclusion does not equate to power and domination and that's obviously more of a priority to this administration.
