Thursday, August 31, 2006

Is It Okay For The President To Use KIA GIs To Foist His Political Message Upon The American People?

By show of hands, how many of you in the blogisphere are tired of people using KIA GIs to push a political agenda? Does it matter if the President does it?

In what has to be the sickest Rovian ploy ever introduced to the political process, we see that the President uses another GI KIA (and his parents) as a political lever to support his message at the taxpayer dollar supported Utah PR junket in front of a friendly audience. Why do they feel they need to do this and what is their rationale for doing so?

Certainly, when every GOP talking points bulletin has been thoroughly engineered to convey the "fright-wing’s" political message, you have to know that the president uses Marine Corporal Adam Galvez's story for very deep political reasons. Does any one care to venture a guess as to why they need this story to leverage their position?

Are folks on the "right" going to be as mad about this as they are when other folk post pictures of anonymous flag draped coffins? Doubt it. They will most certainly be hailing this president as the best thing since sliced bread for doing so, ad nauseum.
One brave American we remember is Marine Corporal Adam Galvez, from here in Salt Lake City. Yesterday Adam's mom and dad laid their son to rest. We're honored by their presence with us today. (Applause.) About a month ago, Adam was wounded by a suicide bomb in Iraq's Anbar Province. When he regained consciousness, he found he was buried alive, so he dug himself out of the rubble. And then ran through gunfire to get a shovel to dig out his fellow Marines. As soon as he recovered from his injuries, Adam volunteered to go back to the front lines. and 11 days ago, he was killed when a roadside bomb hit his convoy.

Here is what Adam's mom and dad said about the cause for which their son gave his life: "Though many are debating the justification of this war, Adam believed in his country -- Adam's belief in his country did not waver, even to the point of the ultimate sacrifice. It's our hope and our prayer that people share the same conviction and dedication to our troops and fellow Americans." (Applause.)

Our nation will always remember the selflessness and sacrifice of Americans like Adam Galvez. We will honor their lives by completing the good and noble work they have started. (Applause.) And we can be confident that one day, veterans of the war on terror will gather at American Legion halls across the country, and say the same things you say: We made our nation safer; we made a region more peaceful; and we left behind a better world for our children and our grandchildren. (Applause.)

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