Sunday, May 15, 2005

When the scales tip

"Being born in the elite in the U.S. gives you a constellation of privileges that very few people in the world have ever experienced. Being born poor in the U.S. gives you disadvantages unlike anything in Western Europe and Japan and Canada." DAVID I. LEVINE, an economist at the University of California, Berkeley.

Was it Marx that said that when the proletariat becomes large and oppressed enough, they will rise up and tip the scales in their favor? Or, perhaps more apropos, it says somewhere else that the meek shall inherit the earth. But that would subsume that the rich and powerful would tender their share for the good of the whole, by peaceful or any means necessary.

On the other hand, I suppose the poor are placated enough with 400 dollar tax breaks (that don't really cover a month's rent), they can still spend it on beer and be happy.

1 comment:

SheaNC said...

Too true. And it's so hard to avoid WalMart when I need some cheap crap...