Sunday, May 15, 2005

How's your Sunday Feeling?

And you thought you were having a tough day...Snagged this shot off the Explore Sweden web location. They are having some cold weather out there - and no doubt staying warm is an issue. Forgedabout "reality" TV and track these teams live via the web location.


About 20 kilometers of the kayak section is now behind the leading teams Salomon, Nike, Montrail and Cross.

Salomon started out a whole hour before Montrail and Nike, who are really close to each other. Most likely Salomon has added to that lead by taking a smart shortcut. Paddling is not their strongest side, and since there are many rapids in this section, race director Mikael Nordström thinks that they have chosen to drag their kayaks on the road, cutting past large sections of the river. If that was a smart decision will show itself later.

At the large rapid in Volgsele, there's a mandatory scouting of the rapid. As team Nike saw the rapid, they chose to drag their kayaks around it through the forest. So did team Montrail, only a few minutes behind them. And when team Cross, approx. 20 minutes behind, heard that Montrail and Nike had portaged around, they didn't even bother to scout the rapids. Up and away in the forest, faster than both Montrail and Nike.

The wind is picking up a little, so it's quite chilly, but the sun is still out and the teams shouldn't be that cold.

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