Thursday, October 20, 2005

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Why do you suppose DeLay is smiling? I grabbed this pic from the following news post via Yahoo. Aparently, DeLay is smug enough to think he is going to get off scott free from this indictment. Perhaps we can come up with some snarky captions for this pic. I'll post my first stab at the first comment below. Give 'er a try and have some fun.


Unknown said...

Gee whilikers Scooter! If you uses your super magnifying boyscout glass on this picture, you can see some red horns sprouting beneath the toupee.

Anonymous said...

look deep into his eyes. He is doing his best out of one of the worst possible situations...

I love the mug shot at smoking gun where it is a large picture. You can see the watery eyes better there...

Eyes never lie...

Mike of the North said...

What a deal $10,000 down and free publicity shots for my next run for office!

Martian Anthropologist said...

There's an article at The Washington Post about why DeLay is smiling: Why is Tom DeLay smiling? After all, he's been indicted. Forced out of his job as House majority leader. And called into court for fingerprinting and a mugshot like a common criminal.

Answer: A photo of DeLay grinning from ear to ear doesn't pack quite the punch in a Democratic attack ad as one that looks more like the mugshot of, say, actor Hugh Grant.

Omnipotent Poobah said...

"Welcome to Hammertown, the home of the best used cars on Earth!

Hi! My name's Tom! How can I help you?!"