Friday, January 19, 2007

Catapulting The Fear

The Republicans have been, at least, very good at one thing: Catapulting the fear. Those of us that swing left in the blogisphere have been saying this for a long while. In harmony with the terrorists, the W, Rove and Co. has been able to leverage fear to their own advantage. Have a look at this BBC documentary and see what you think (be warned it’s near an hour long).

In the end, all the republican fear mongering has lead to the demise of some very hard fought and won freedoms here at home. More importantly, it has severely diminished and the American Sprit and exacerbated our will to be hopeful, optimistic and positive.

Fortunately, with the Dems in charge of Congress, we see a small trickle of optimism seeping over the deep chasm and the wedge that the W, Rove and Co has worked so diligently at cleaving a divided America. We have Nancy Pelosi leading that change:
In the past two weeks, we have delivered on change. We have shown that the House is not a place where good ideas go to die.
In the next few months, perhaps we will see a nation that sneaks closer together rather than amplifying the polarization that the Republicans have so deliberately been rubbing to push people apart. But that may be just me being slightly optimistic here. Should we be waiting for the other shoe to drop (but as you can see, the fear of it is difficult to resist)?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the past two weeks, we have delivered on change. We have shown that the House is not a place where good ideas go to die.

That's actually a very good way of putting it. Kudos to our representative.