Friday, August 03, 2007

Is W's War Still Worth It?

Grab the Kleenex box if you dare read this article. Dry eyes won't remain so. Here's a slice:
It took less than a week for his body to reach home. Joane wanted to see her husband one last time. He had taken the worst of the blast, and a funeral director decided on a closed casket. The casualty officer assigned to the case — he wasn't anyone she knew — dodged questions about Greg's wounds, trying to spare her an awful memory. But she was determined. Finally, they took her to see him. His body was arranged in full dress and ribbons. His head was covered, but she could at least hold his hand.
Is W's war - the "great" ideological struggle and democracy, freedom spreading experiment - still worth it?


Mary Ellen said...

It sickened me when I heard Laura Bush say that no one suffers more than her and George over this war...then you read stories like this and the first thing I want to do is slap Laura in the face and tell her she doesn't know what suffering is.

Neil Shakespeare said...

I agree with Mary Ellen. That Laura Bush statement was pure turdship. So is " least she could hold his hand." At least? Because his head was blown off? Jesus...

enigma4ever said...

OMG...and she was suposed to be grateful to hold his so sad...Laura why don't you look at his head and tell me WAS THIS MAN WORTH YOUR ASSHAT husbands stupidass war????? geesus.....

I am grateful that you posted this...and that the LA TImes write about the families and what they are going through...I wish more papers did...