Thursday, June 22, 2006

How Many Times Does The Veep Have To Say We Are Wrong Before We Believe Him? Stumping For The W With CNN Trotting Out The Shill Out For The Big Dick

Okay, simply because the vice president of the United States says that people are wrong, does that make it so? Have a look at the following Questions and abbreviated answers (I don't want to elevate their propaganda for them, pop over to their location if you dare to subject yourselves to the full brunt of the presidential propaganda catapult). Let's count together. How many times should the Veep have to say that we are wrong before some one starts to believe him:

Ah, one:
Q The Democrats will put on the floor of the Senate today a proposal -- they don't have the votes -- but they say this administration's policy in Iraq has failed. And the leading Democratic proposal would say, let's have a partial withdrawal -- they call it a redeployment -- and then require the administration to put forward a plan. Now, they say this is not cut and run, it's not retreat, but they say three years and three months later, it is time for the administration to tell the Iraqi government you cannot have this indefinite American security blanket. You need to do a better job of preparing your own people to take over security, what's wrong with that?

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, it's wrong in many respects, John. First of all, they're wrong. We are making significant progress.
Ah, two:
Q Jack Murtha, an old friend of yours, with whom you have sparred recently in the House, he says, look, when President Reagan realized the policy in Beirut was failing, he withdrew the troops. Call it cut and run if you will. When President Clinton realized the policy in Somalia was failing, he withdrew the troops. Again, some might say cut and run. He says this war is costing $8 billion a month, $300 million a day, there's no end in sight. And forgive me, but he says, you don't have a plan, so let's not have more kids killed.

THE VICE PRESIDENT: He's wrong. I like Jack Murtha. He's a friend. We did a lot of business together...
Ah, three:
Q Well, you disagree with the Democrats' plan, but they are stepping into a political environment in which the American people -- clearly, some have anger, some have dissatisfaction, some have doubts about this war and the administration's plan for this war. Fifty-four percent of the American people say it's a mistake; 55 percent say things are going badly in Iraq; 53 percent in our polling say the American people actually support a timetable. Why is it that the administration has failed to articulate to the American people then? The American people don't think you have a plan, sir.

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, they're wrong. We do have a plan. It's there for anybody who wants to take a look at it. The Democrats have repeatedly made this charge. It's simply not the case. There is a good plan in place.
Ah, you believe him?

Incidentially, I found a bright spot of humor in this "interview," at which point the Big Dick Cheney reveals the name for the Korean Missile presently aimed possibly at the West Coast (Vandenberg AFB, maybe?), which I think is rather ironic:
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, we -- this is the first test of this particular type No Dong II missile. We believe it does have a third stage added to it now, but, again, we don't know what the payload is.

I think it's also fair to say that the North Korean missile capabilities are fairly rudimentary. I mean, they've been building Scuds and so forth over the years, but their test flights in the past haven't been notably successful. But we are watching it with interest and following it very closely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr VP, Do you mean the good people in Iraq are outnumbered?

Cheney: ''you have to ask what happens to all of those people who've signed up with the United States, who are on our side in this fight against the radical extremist Islamic types of bin Laden and al Qaeda. What happens to the 12 million Iraqis who went to the polls last December and voted in spite of the assassins and the car bombers? What happens to the quarter of a million Iraqis who've gotten into the fight to take on the terrorists?''

If it's not worthwhile for the good people of Iraq to take on the bad guys, Why is it the US's problem?

The good people are sitting on their asses waiting for their free electricity (air conditioning), water, sewer, food allowance and 10-cent gasoline. They won't get on their cell phone and report a 4-man mortar team operating in a market street, or another burying an IED? Presumably the Iraqi 'government' paid $100,000 to find the location of the bodies of the two GI's captured and pulped by the insurgents, identifiable only by their DNA.

There is no hope for success unless the locals want you to succeed. People accepting the gifts we give them is not the same thing.