Friday, October 31, 2008

Forget About Activist Judges - How About A Run Amok Activist President

Why is it that Lame Duck Presidents feel like they need to piss in all the bedrooms in the Whitehouse before they suffer the regime change we all need here in the good old US of A?
The White House is working to enact an array of federal regulations, many of which would weaken rules aimed at protecting consumers and the environment, before President Bush leaves office in January.

The new rules would be among the most controversial deregulatory steps of the Bush era and could be difficult for his successor to undo. Some would ease or lift existing constraints on private industry, including power plants, mines and farms.
Looks like Bush, who has screwed the pooch in Iraq, is not content to just screwing our economy, proving once again that elitist Republicans are dangerous for America. Beware the NeoCon in sheep's clothing. They come wrapped in American Flags and claim they are doing "Right." In the long run, I'm betting more and more of the real conservatives are wishing they turned out the lights and pretended they were not home when the fundamentalist Christians came a knocking low about 9 years ago. They've shed the skins and put on an Activist Suit. this thing on....any one home in the GOP going to reign in their runaway activist President? That's not his job. His job is to enforce the rules in place, not put them asunder.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Couple Of Sweet Old Ladies

I'm likin' these new bloggers:
If I hear that McCain is a Maverick one more time I just might throw myself to the floor and break a hip. A maverick is an independent individual who doesn’t go along with a group or party. If John McCain’s a maverick I am one of those cheerleaders on the sidelines of Harold’s beloved Dallas Cowboys. Nobody seems to dispute that the Republican party led by George W. Bush got us into this mess but what everybody seems to forget is that Sarah Palin and John McCain are Republicans. Look, when the Religious Right came knocking at the door of the RNC Membership Round-Up, someone should have turned out the porch lights and told everyone inside to be quiet until they went away… the same thing I do when those nice looking boys on bicycles with bibles come to my door. But the Republicans opened that door, invited them in and now they have to live with that decision.

Cecilia, when was the last time a politician brought a tear to your eye… moved you deep in your soul? Honestly when was the last time you really felt that Americans could do anything if we put our hearts and minds to it? I am an old lady. Most of my life politicians have moved me. Most of my life I have felt that Americans can do anything if we put our hearts and minds to it. It’s been 8 long years. I had almost forgotten what that felt like. Thank you Barack Obama. Thank you.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Here's a Fun Splice-O-Rama for Today


I Thought The MSM Had a Left Wing Bias

Really, this video is proof that the right wing is full of nut job paranoid fear mongers:

But when you raise ACORN as a concern, shouldn't you also be concerned about this, no?

"What makes America Special is what's in this room..."

Really, the hypocrisy of the GOP knows no bounds:

Remember, there is a big difference between truthiness and the truth, and the truth has a known liberal bias.

"Because We're Both Mavericks:" wtf?

Have a look:

WTF? Because we're both mavericks? Have we seen a complete meltdown of the GOP as we knew it?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

When "Protecting" Freedom Means Killing Liberty

In GOP Controlled & George W. Bush's America, you may think they are advancing freedom, but they do it at the cost of Liberty. Have a look. We are a heartbeat away from martial law and Nationalistic Totalitarianism.

This is Homeland Security? I once heard about a man who proclaimed "Give me Liberty, or give me death." I wonder, is the trade for "security" worth it?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Here's A Fun Video


Image Is Everything

Now we know where the priorities rest with the Palin/McSame ticket:
An acclaimed celebrity makeup artist for Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin collected more money from John McCain's campaign than his foreign policy adviser. Amy Strozzi, who works on the reality show "So You Think You Can Dance" and has been Palin's traveling stylist, was paid $22,800, according to campaign finance reports for the first two weeks in October. In contrast, McCain's foreign policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann, was paid $12,500, the report showed.
Money well spent, no?

Can You Trust The GOP When They Say Theirs Is The Change We Need?

In some other respects, a Los Angeles Times examination of state records shows, her approach to government was business as usual. Take, for example, the tradition of patronage. Some of Palin's most controversial appointments involved donors, records show.
But I thought McSame Palin were going to bring change to D.C.
* More than 100 appointments to state posts -- nearly 1 in 4 -- went to campaign contributors or their relatives, sometimes without apparent regard to qualifications.

* Palin filled 16 state offices with appointees from families that donated $2,000 to $5,600 and were among her top political patrons.

* Several of Palin's leading campaign donors received state-subsidized industrial development loans of up to $3.6 million for business ventures of questionable public value.

* Palin picked a donor to replace the public safety commissioner she fired. But the new top cop had to resign days later under an ethics cloud. And Palin drew a formal ethics complaint still pending against her and several aides for allegedly helping another donor and fundraiser land a state job.
Well, that doesn't sound promising for what she will be doing if selected as Veep.

Job Creation: GOP Style

Jobs Are Being Created by the W, Rove And Co. Have a look at this new, lucrative field:

Apologies, for some reason the embed function is not working on this post. Click here to go direct to the video.

Solving the "Elite" Problem In D.C. - A Modest Proposal

Given McSame's preoccupation with trying to label people they don't like as elite, I got to thinking on my AM run. I know, you hate when that happens.

I propose we eliminate the extraordinary wealth that sits resident in Congress and causes those who work for the Senate and the House to believe they are smart enough to make decisions for us. Simultaneously, we can save the taxpayers a great deal of money.

Here's the proposal. It's very simple: Given the wealthy status of most of congress, we could reduce their salaries to minimum wage.

Would they do the work if they had to do it for free? I don't think that our founding fathers received any payment for their efforts, did they? There's no reason to support welfare for congressional representatives. They have a splendid benefits package and get paid well into the six figures.

What about McSame and Obama? Would they accept minimum wage to do the work of the Senate? Certainly, McSame doesn't need the income. Obama, perhaps. But we already know know something about the strength of Obama's character. He did go a different way in terms of earning potential.

How many Harvard Law Review editors are sitting out of the extremely lucrative legal field? How many Senators are still raking in enormous salaries despite being independently wealthy (e.g. McSame with Seven homes and untold staff to keep them up)?

Shall we put the measure to a vote? All those in favor say Aye!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Where Do Those "Elites" Live?

There are three flaws with the McSame Palin definition of elitist: 1) Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't McSame live and work as a Senator in the DC Area? 2) Doesn't the fact that they think they are the best team for the Whitehouse mean that they think they are better than any one else to do the job? Lastly, 3) What about the Nine Eleven survivors? Don't they live in New York?

Holy Crap their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Interesting Quote du Jour

Being Barry Goldwater's granddaughter and living in Arizona, one would assume that I would be voting for our state's senator, John McCain. I am still struck by certain 'dyed in the wool' Republicans who are on the fence this election, as it seems like a no-brainer to me.

Myself, along with my siblings and a few cousins, will not be supporting the Republican presidential candidates this year. We believe strongly in what our grandfather stood for: honesty, integrity, and personal freedom, free from political maneuvering and fear tactics. I learned a lot about my grandfather while producing the documentary, Mr. Conservative Goldwater on Goldwater. Our generation of Goldwaters expects government to provide for constitutional protections. We reject the constant intrusion into our personal lives, along with other crucial policy issues of the McCain/Palin ticket.

...Nothing about the Republican ticket offers the hope America needs to regain it's standing in the world, that's why we're going to support Barack Obama. I think that Obama has shown his ability and integrity.
Barry Goldwater's Granddaughter is voting Obama! So too should you.

Blog on friends, blog on all.

Subpoenas, Depositions and A Quick Question

Do you think that McSame thought experience deflecting legal attacks were a necessary criteria for selecting his Veep running mate? Or is it that he couldn't find some one to run with that had a clean slate and was subpoena proof?
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and her husband will provide depositions Friday to the state Personnel Board, which is looking into whether Palin unfairly fired Alaska's public safety director this summer, the couple's attorney told CNN.
If you ask me, it can't be a good sign when a Veep candidate is being subpoenaed to give a deposition (let alone one that involves her husband). We may not actually discover more on Friday. Even so, do you really want some one in public office that is already distracted and tangled in legal problems?

Incidentally, my spouse this morning, as we had on NPR listening to another speechifying opportunity for McSame, called out to me over my coffee. McSame was stipulating one more time that he was particularly "Proud of Governor Palin," and happy he selected her as his Veep Candidate. This is the conversation as it occurred
Spouse - That is Offensive!

Me - What?

Spouse - Do you think that any Presidential Candidates in the history of Presidential candidates have ever said that they were "proud" of their Vice President choice?

Me - What, do you think that was sexist?

Spouse - No, it's just plain offensive and condescending. If she were a man, he would not be saying he was "Proud" of his vice presidential pick.

Me - Well, I think it's sexist and offensive, but that's just how the GOP does it's business

Spouse - No! It's offensive, and I'm pissed.

Me - Well, I guess we know how you are going to vote....
Question - Is it sexist (which the McSame folks were hooting and hollering about finding not acceptable when they announced their pick), offensive, or both?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What's Your Tax Cut Going To Be?

This may be fun for folks to try. Calculate your tax cut under Obama and McSame.Go ahead, plug in your numbers and be honest. Then plug in Bill Gates' numbers and see what you get.

Oh, and here's proof that any one can use the calculator:

Falling On Their Own Swords

Well, much as we would like to see them do so, you won't find any of the GOP faithful falling on their own swords at this point in time. Even so, it looks as if the smart thinking Republicans are sucking large quantities of helium out of the McSame/Palin baloon:
The timing of the financial crisis couldn’t have been worse for Republicans. When Lehman Brothers went under on Sept. 15, McCain was tied or in the margin of error in national polls. But when his poll numbers fell along with the stock market, wealthy conservatives saw little reason to invest their shrunken holdings on what was far from a sure thing.

“Republican donors, at the end of day, aren’t stupid,” said another Republican familiar with third-party activities this cycle. “They’re not going to throw good money after bad.

And it wasn’t just the economic bad news — McCain did little to help his own cause.
The GOP, having hung their hats so long and hard on the W, Rove and Co are withering on the vines of their own making. You won't be getting a lot of sympathy from the left of, as it appears, now the right.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

BOO - Did She Scare You Too?

I was out on my morning run today, heading past one of the local neighborhoods that sponsor some serious competitions for scary Halloween decoration. Amidst the witches, ghosts, goblins, I noticed this image of Sarah Palin. Was this an endorsement or meant to scare me? I think the latter. I actually burst out laughing out loud, despite running up hill at the same time. Some one has a very interesting sense of humor.

In the less than funny department...In even worsening news for the McSame Palin ticket, we find that Ms. Palin is playing fast and loose with the ethics again - a lot like George Bush Sr.'s fuzzy math. It may not be against the law, but it's rather fuzzy ethically to travel to luxury hotels on State Taxpayer dollars:
ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Gov. Sarah Palin charged the state for her children to travel with her, including to events where they were not invited, and later amended expense reports to specify that they were on official business.

The charges included costs for hotel and commercial flights for three daughters to join Palin to watch their father in a snowmobile race, and a trip to New York, where the governor attended a five-hour conference and stayed with 17-year-old Bristol for five days and four nights in a luxury hotel.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Another Right Thinking Republican Thinks Right

No surprise, but still a huge blow to McSame, Colin Powell endorses Obama:
Colin Powell, a Republican and retired general who was President Bush's first secretary of state, broke with the party Sunday and endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president, calling him a "transformational figure" while criticizing the tone of John McCain's campaign.

The former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman said either senator is qualified to be commander in chief. But after studying both, he concluded that Obama is better suited than McCain, the standard-bearer of Powell's own party, to handle the nation's economic problems and help improve its world standing.
And here's a couple of interesting points:
"This Bill Ayers situation that's been going on for weeks became something of a central point of the campaign," Powell said. "But Mr. McCain says that he's a washed-out terrorist. Well, then, why do we keep talking about him?"

Powell said McCain's choice of Palin raised questions about judgment.

"She's a very distinguished woman, and she's to be admired. But at the same time, now that we have had a chance to watch her for some seven weeks, I don't believe she's ready to be president of the United States, which is the job of the vice president," he said. "And so that raised some question in my mind as to the judgment that Sen. McCain made."
Here's the video of this particular testimony.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Blogging Like You Mean It

I've been ruminating on a few questions as a bit of a diversion from the nutty last 18 or so days leading up to 4 Nov. Back when I first started blogging, things were a lot simpler. To tease out topics, some one periodically send out a meme to spur some ideas. I haven't received one of those in a great long while (which in the long run is good by me), but I got to thinking.

If I had to write my last blog entry, what would I write? Kind of like the Last Lecture by Randy Pausch, if today you had to post your last post, what would you write?

Also, over the years, I've found inspiration in various musical artists (depending on my mood). If you blog on a regular basis, do you have a play list for your music that drives your inspiration? Who's your favorite artist to blog to?

I'm listening to public radio this AM, and one of the guest speakers had a point. "Our next president won't save us, we are going to have to save him. His middle name is going to be pinata." Perhaps my last post will have a title: Saving Our Nation From Ourselves....I'll have to ruminate on the content.

When I'm in a blogging zone, I usually click on Nirvana - Nevermind....and write.

Blog on friends, blog on all.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

McSame: Not Able To Connect The Dots

But enjoyable as it's been to watch conservatives flee from the GOP, something about all this leaves me feeling a little down. Because as the more respectable, literate conservatives distance themselves from the GOP, increasingly, the only ones left on the right are paranoid, rage-driven, xenophobic nuts. Bitter? You betcha! Twisted too!
This just proves the point, that McSame - while he may have been a good choice about a year ago to run for President - has fallen into the trap of following the advice of people with the same mindset as those who have advised W. And, the people are getting sick and tired of leadership by faith over fact, derision and division over unifying high quality values and morals, and fear mongering over a message of hope.

As evidence, on just need look to the debate last night. On more than one occasion, it looked like McSame was trying to connect the dots between talking points, but was wildly unsuccessful in doing so because bullet points don't comprise a high quality discussion about what's ailing the economy.

Let's have a look:

MCCAIN: Energy -- well, first -- second of all, energy independence. We have to have nuclear power. We have to stop sending $700 billion a year to countries that don't like us very much. It's wind, tide, solar, natural gas, nuclear, off-shore drilling, which Senator Obama has opposed.

And the point is that we become energy independent and we will create millions of jobs -- millions of jobs in America.

OK, what -- what would I cut? I would have, first of all, across-the-board spending freeze, OK? Some people say that's a hatchet. That's a hatchet, and then I would get out a scalpel, OK?

Because we've got -- we have presided over the largest increase -- we've got to have a new direction for this country. We have presided over the largest increase in government since the Great Society.

Government spending has gone completely out of control; $10 trillion dollar debt we're giving to our kids, a half-a-trillion dollars we owe China.

I know how to save billions of dollars in defense spending. I know how to eliminate programs.

SCHIEFFER: Which ones?

MCCAIN: I have fought against -- well, one of them would be the marketing assistance program. Another one would be a number of subsidies for ethanol.

I oppose subsidies for ethanol because I thought it distorted the market and created inflation; Senator Obama supported those subsidies.

I would eliminate the tariff on imported sugarcane-based ethanol from Brazil.

I know how to save billions. I saved the taxpayer $6.8 billion by fighting a deal for a couple of years, as you might recall, that was a sweetheart deal between an aircraft manufacturer, DOD, and people ended up in jail.

But I would fight for a line-item veto, and I would certainly veto every earmark pork-barrel bill. Senator Obama has asked for nearly $1 billion in pork-barrel earmark projects...
Holy Smoke - A man that is this scattered on a fairly direct question is asking for line item veto? The Republicans have been trying for that for so long and it's been shot down every time. Why do they persist? Because they suck as negotiators. Veto is another key indicator that the politicians have failed to reach a compromise that is acceptable. To introduce line item veto would allow the President to sit and lord over congress rather than work with them to craft well designed bills.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Very Foundation of the GOP Is Fundamentally Bankrupt

If you listen to the true conservatives - of the smaller governments, less taxes type - you will find our current situation as QED of why that philosophy is fundamentally bankrupt as a means of dictating governmental policy and action:
In hindsight, there's no question that we would have been better off if we had been regulating derivatives -- and had a clearinghouse for it...The Fed was really adamantly opposed to any form of regulation whatsoever. I guess if I had to do it over again, I certainly would have pushed for some way to give greater transparency to products which turned out to be injurious to our markets.
Really, there is no way for McSame or Palin to claim that they can fix this current situation by advocating "less" taxes and regulation that eventually goes away. You can trust Wall Street like you can trust a kid left alone in the kitchen near the cookie jar before dinner. And given McSame's record of advocating de-regulation over regulation, does he really represent the "change" we need? Not in my book.

Blog on friends, blog on all.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

GOP: The Bigotry Specialists

Capitalize on the hate must be one of the campaign tactics for the McSame/Palin. With friends like these, we don't need the Taliban to breed fear and hate among the American people.

A friend of mine forwarded this image. I do apologize for not having a link for a source as I didn't have one. Talk about chutzpah from the man on the motorcycle.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Very Interesting

View and then let us know your thoughts:

I found the video to be very interesting.

Vote No On Prop 8

The nutters who have no better use for their cash are ramping up their campaign to trick people into voting yes on California's Proposition 8. It's quite simple. If you love some one, who happens to be the same sex, and you decide to get married in a civil ceremony (or a religious one if you like, and they let you), what harm does it do to heterosexual marriage? None.

My marriage will not harm any one else's marriage. The larger question is what is it about heterosexual marriage that needs protection?

What would it mean to heterosexuals if they were prevented from getting married?

Of course, simply because you disagree doesn't make your position correct:

A Sunday Morning Romp Around The News

Found some interesting articles for this morning's political wonks:
Now, the Florida salesman and staunch Republican has abandoned the GOP ticket. Sarah Palin, he thinks, looks under-equipped to be vice president. And McCain, he says, displayed an unsteady response to what may be a global economic depression.
Humm...That's interesting.

But the faithful still like Palin. The bigger question is who's really running for the office of Veep?
Todd Palin would become a familiar voice for the Palin administration. Independent legislative investigator Stephen Branchflower's report on Monegan's subsequent firing -- in part, the investigation found, because he wouldn't fire Wooten -- contains an exhaustive record of Todd Palin's frequent and intimate presence in the day-to-day workings of his wife's administration.
One has to question the judgment of a Presidential candidate who doesn't do the dilligence to screen his Veep candidate. Moreover, we know for certain that McSame would carry forward with the W, Rove and Co's Gitmo strategy, no?
The Uighurs filed habeas corpus petitions, and Judge Ricardo Urbina of Federal District Court in Washington ordered them released. Judge Urbina said it was time to “shine the light of constitutionality” on the Bush administration’s detention camps.

They need the light. The Bush administration told the countries it was trying to persuade to take the detainees that they posed no threat. It has stipulated in court documents that they are not a threat. But after Judge Urbina’s ruling, the government suddenly claimed the 17 men were a threat, and managed to obtain a stay of the judge’s order from the federal appeals court in Washington.
Sounds like solid GOP strategy, no?

Well, if nothing else, we know the GOP is very good at stirring up hate in spades:
By the time McCain asks the crowd “Who is the real Barack Obama?” it’s no surprise that someone cries out “Terrorist!” The rhetorical conflation of Obama with terrorism is complete. It is stoked further by the repeated invocation of Obama’s middle name by surrogates introducing McCain and Palin at these rallies. This sleight of hand at once synchronizes with the poisonous Obama-is-a-Muslim e-mail blasts and shifts the brand of terrorism from Ayers’s Vietnam-era variety to the radical Islamic threats of today.

That’s a far cry from simply accusing Obama of being a guilty-by-association radical leftist. Obama is being branded as a potential killer and an accessory to past attempts at murder. “Barack Obama’s friend tried to kill my family” was how a McCain press release last week packaged the remembrance of a Weather Underground incident from 1970 — when Obama was 8.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Just The Kind Of Gullible American The GOP Loves

If gullibility came sold at the local Walmart, the GOP would support subsidizing people for their very own dose of it to gain their favor. But, really, they don't need to. They pray and hope for these kinds of folk:

Nice, huh?

How about his lovely song:

Laced with hate, the GOP is running strong on the threads of fear and vengeance. Not the kind of population we would wish on the rest of the world, is it?

I prefer hope over hate.

And how about real change:

Remember, Barak Obama is Irish (I know that I've posted this before, but it's a fun video). Enjoy:

Friday, October 10, 2008

Mark Fiore Gets It! Finally We Can Embed His Cartoons

I've been a huge fan of Mark Fiore for a great long while. Used to be I'd have to just link up. Now we can embed them. I'm sure he would appreciate some hits over at his location. Here's a few fun ones to whet your apetite:

Blog on Friends, blog on all.

All You Do Is Show Your Love for Hypocrisy and "Cold Blooded" killing by Voting for Sarah Palin


Cold Blooded Killer:

Can any one explain to me why people want this woman to be one heart beat away from the Presidency?

Fearing Fear Itself

We are to the point of fearing fear itself. America in all its resplendent free market capitalistic glory is on the auction block with few bidders. How this came to be is obvious in retrospect: too much exuberant leverage, not enough regulation; too strong a belief in asset-based prosperity, too little common sense that prices could go down as well as up; excessive “me first” greed, too little concern for the burden of future generations; a political morass unworthy of our Founding Fathers. You may have more to add to the list, but frankly there isn’t enough time. Historians can sit back and reflect, but at this very moment, America is for sale and there is fear and trembling in the auctioneer’s voice.
This WallStreet Fire Sale brought to you by the GOP and the For More years for the GOP Foundation.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

McPalin May Point You To Ayers, But They Should Be Woried About Keating

You have got to know that the McSame and Palin team or expert slanderers are hoping that the American people are dimwitted and easily hornswoggled as they were by George Bush. They bring up Ayers as a red herring, but could it be that it is only the GOP Propaganda Crack Pipe Smoking Faithful that fall for it?

Really, if the GOP is ready to bring up Ayers as a blemish on Obama's record, they aught to be ready to discuss Charles Keating.

Is McSame really the man to trust to solve the fiscal crisis he helped germinate and fertilize all the while looking out for his own personal gain? I don't think so.

Blog on Friends, Blog on all.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

McSame: He's No Maverick

Aparently, McSame's claim that he's a maverick, and Palin's claim that both he and she are mavericks isn't is a smidge disingenuous.

There’s that word again: maverick. In Thursday’s vice-presidential debate, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, the Republican candidate, used it to describe herself and her running mate, Senator John McCain, no fewer than six times, at one point calling him “the consummate maverick."

But to those who know the history of the word, applying it to Mr. McCain is a bit of a stretch — and to one Texas family in particular it is even a bit offensive.

“I’m just enraged that McCain calls himself a maverick,” said Terrellita Maverick, 82, a San Antonio native who proudly carries the name of a family that has been known for its progressive politics since the 1600s, when an early ancestor in Boston got into trouble with the law over his agitation for the rights of indentured servants.

In the 1800s, Samuel Augustus Maverick went to Texas and became known for not branding his cattle. He was more interested in keeping track of the land he owned than the livestock on it, Ms. Maverick said; unbranded cattle, then, were called “Maverick’s.” The name came to mean anyone who didn’t bear another’s brand.

Sam Maverick’s grandson, Fontaine Maury Maverick, was a two-term congressman and a mayor of San Antonio who lost his mayoral re-election bid when conservatives labeled him a Communist. He served in the Roosevelt administration on the Smaller War Plants Corporation and is best known for another coinage. He came up with the term “gobbledygook” in frustration at the convoluted language of bureaucrats.

This Maverick’s son, Maury Jr., was a firebrand civil libertarian and lawyer who defended draft resisters, atheists and others scorned by society. He served in the Texas Legislature during the McCarthy era and wrote fiery columns for The San Antonio Express-News. His final column, published on Feb. 2, 2003, just after he died at 82, was an attack on the coming war in Iraq.

Terrellita Maverick, sister of Maury Jr., is a member emeritus of the board of the San Antonio chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas.

Considering the family’s long history of association with liberalism and progressive ideals, it should come as no surprise that Ms. Maverick insists that John McCain, who has voted so often with his party, “is in no way a maverick, in uppercase or lowercase.”

It’s just incredible — the nerve! — to suggest that he’s not part of that Republican herd. Every time we hear it, all my children and I and all my family shrink a little and say, ‘Oh, my God, he said it again.’ ”

“He’s a Republican,” she said. “He’s branded.”

Bush Fumbles Gitmo: May Require Us To Set Terrorists Free

I've been saying this for a long time , but the egregious, and downright illegal handling of the people detained at Guantanamo may force us to set them free. Moreover, it looks like the W, Rove and Co. have made tremendous errors in judgment about the people they decided to spirit away indefinitely.

Really, do we want to live in country where people who are not found guilty of any wrong doing are locked up against their wills regardless from whence they came?
“I think the moment has arrived for the court to shine the light of constitutionality on the reasons for detention,” Judge Urbina said.

Saying the men had never fought the United States and were not a security threat, he tersely rejected Bush administration claims that he lacked the power to order the men set free in the United States and government requests that he stay his order to permit an immediate appeal.

The ruling was a sharp setback for the administration, which has waged a long legal battle to defend its policies of detention at the naval base at Guantánamo Bay, arguing a broad executive power in waging war. Federal courts up to the Supreme Court have waded through detention questions and in several major cases the courts have rejected administration contentions.
In yet another case of the W, Rove and Co. costing the Taxpayers giant, heaping sums of money based on their illicit actions, we may find that the class action lawsuit rendered by former Git-mo detainees may cost us enormous sums of dollars to make right. I'll bet there are at least a dozen sleazy lawyers gunning for such a case.

I suppose this is what happens when you have a President used to making messes that other people clean up for them.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Same Message, Different Wrapper

The GOP hasn't got anything new and original whatsoever.

If you liked that one, you will like this next one. Here we see that Sarah Palin is nothing without her notes. Could she actually say something of substance without them? The larger question is if we subtracted all of those where she was using her talking points notes, would there be any substance there? Is this the kind of vapid puppet we want in the Veep position?

Leaves me wondering if she is the puppet, who is the master?

The Republicans have got to hate Youtube - catches them in all manner of foolishness. You cannot really complain about Youtube because it isn't mainstream media, but it will bite you in the ass and hold you accountable to what you said today, yesterday, and about nearly 8 years ago.


Thursday, October 02, 2008

Your Fear Of Gay Marriage Is Irrational And Has No Foundation Beyond Hate

What is it about two men or two women getting married that hurts your marriage? Really, nothing.

If you don't believe in gay marriage don't marry some one of the same gender. Certainly, to women getting married or two men getting married does not hurt my marriage. In fact, it may amplify the dignity of it.

Hate is no reason to bar freedom. Vote no on Prop -8.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

GOP: Bankrupt On Trust

Did you ever wonder why, when McSame or Palin get asked a question that they don't like, they simply don't answer it and instead spew the usual talking points that make no sense as any kind of answer to the stipulated question? I was munching on my breakfast and listening to NPR and McSame was interviewed. Pay attention to what he says when asked the hard questions. Be sure to click the listen now button to grab the unadulterated comments.

When asked about Palin's foreign policy experience that makes her qualified, McSame shifts the topic to
energy independence...she has oversighted the oil and natural resources...she's very highly qualified and very knowledgeable..."I've turned to her for advice many times in the past," McCain said. "I can't imagine turning to Sen. [Barack] Obama or [Sen. Joseph] Biden because they've been wrong. They were wrong about Iraq. They were wrong about Russia."
Where's the WMD in Iraq McSame? Well, the days of "trust us" government are over in Washington. Leadership by faith over fact is dead as a policy making methodolgy. Simply because Palin has charisma in spades does not make her qualified to be the Big Veep.

McSame goes so far as to claim that Palin is the "most popular governor in" in the USA, as if that's a qualification to be Veep. Now, I bet those who live in California might say, "my governor can wipe the floor with your governor," but no doubt there are other states who would credibly argue that this is hogwash.

Do you trust McSame? Should we trust McSame? Or, has the GOP leadership proven time and again that leadership by faith over fact gets us in to deep, deep, deep shit?