Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Windspike's Wednesday Wonderings: Are We Better Off Today Than We Were Before We Invaded Iraq?

As we creep up on George Bush's artificial deadline of 15 September and the MSM salivates over the run up to the General's report, we forget the real question of import:

Are we better off today than we were before we invaded Iraq? Here, I'm using the royal "we" as in We the people...of the United States....

I know, I've wondered this aloud before (and some have suggested it's too early to tell), but it crept back into my head after a friend of mine forwarded one powerful sentence that I think the blogosphere aught consider:
The problem with Iraq is that when you're doing the wrong thing there's no right way to do it.
What say you?

Any folk out there betting how big the magic pill will be as it's delivered on 15 September with all the fanfare the President's Political Propaganda Catapult the American people will tolerate?

Blog on friends, blog on all.


isabelita said...

Not those of us who haven't been profiting from the utterly unnecessary invasion of Iraq, those of us who never bought this bloody debacle, and aren't being enriched by miltary contracts.
Many people, GOPers and fellow traveling libertarian "free marketeers" have been making money faster than shit coming out of a sick monkey's ass. And of course taht's all taht matters, The Market, the money...
What a lot of sick people there are in this country, sick, fat and greedy.

enigma4ever said...

we all know the report will say whaever bush wants....