Of course, you can plow through the mountain of material on this case on your own, but here's a slice from the NCLR blogger on site:
a decision upholding prop 8 will have on same-sex couples and families, answering that “having their families singled out on basis of characteristic bearing no relationship to their ability to contribute to society marks [same-sex couples] as second-class citizens.” This gets us back to the core of this case, and the core of what is wrong with Proposition 8: no minority group should be singled out in the Constitution, on the basis of a characteristic like sexual orientation, race, sex, or religion, without at least receiving the procedural protections that the Constitution provides through the revision process.
If Prop 8 is allowed to stand, it's clear who the losers will be. What's not clear is will the people of America have lost or won? I know where I sit on this question. What say you?
Blog on friends.
Blog on all.
P.S. Here's a fun clip - Enjoy:
Hey Windspike, an off-topic but important question: Are you still fellating the mass-murderers who brought us the 9/11 false flag attack and ignoring people who post comments rubbing your nose in the painfully transparent nature of it? Still getting your check each month from the C.I.A. for being a good little gatekeeper?
Earth to Major Tom
Off Neptune, off topic, off sense.
Real - I get the same check as you, don't I?
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